Wednesday, April 13, 2011

april's eLABorations #6

image copyright dave von bieker + edward van vliet


  1. do you mean so far this month? or so far in general?

  2. for the most part, i'm pretty pleased. i wish i knew how to encourage more commentary and engagement, but there's only so much i can do. i'm very gratified with how much participants have committed to the project.

    it's given me some ideas for other projects, and that's always good.

  3. I find this an ambiguous image. Is it a porthole? The window of a spaceship? A washing machine? I am also particularly intrigued by your placement of the text in a stem-like arrangement. If this were the porthole of a sub or a spaceship, I could relate to the fragility to pressure of the little hull. Otherwise, I struggle to identify with this one.
