Monday, January 3, 2011

january's eLABorations #3

image copyright dea fischer + edward van vliet


  1. Well, I took this image, and it truly is the beginning of something beautiful for me - my steampunk love-affair with the Museum of Making. But just taking the image on its merits, there is a suggestion of content here,of a vessel: what does the silo hold? As though it is fermenting or gestating something, a different kind of creation: softness within the hard shell. The vantage point also draws the eye heavenward, as though this is not a silo or boiler but a rocket ship about to launch into space and closer to God.

  2. it reminded me somewhat of a submarine - looking forward as this armored alien machine moved inexorably through the deep. i didn't see the blue as sky as much as water. certainly there is the sense of embarking on a journey.

  3. I thought it was a submarine too!

  4. well, the ocean/ water is often used as a metaphor for the heavens/ sky...

  5. Either way, it's a sense of launching a great exporation. There is a sense of underlying excitement to this marriage of phrase and image, as when you are embarking on a journey. I like it!
